Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Don't Need No Education

Something really dirty/cute/funny happened last night. Nick cooked me like a well-a fine Indian meal (as he would) and I said "Nick, you have been looking after me rather well today, I feel I owe you a service." and Nick giggled and then I said "Sexual services only on weekends mate."

LOLS. Dirty minded boy. But still cute nonetheless.

And so I went to do some grocery shopping at Jezzo to the mezzo today. Got fur-reaking caught in the rain RIGHT after a dust storm. Dust storm + massive rain + Jade + groceries to get to the car and home = Jadie, the not-so-happy elf. I got caught in the rain but didn't get no pina colada betch.

I full think University is confusing, anybody wishing to be my university slave which entitles going to my classes, completing my assignments, doing my washing and such can apply through this page or call me on 04-SLAVESLUT.

That be all, tune is for the next blog (probably occurring tomorrow) about my heart throbity throb throbbing and my head not knowing etc.

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